
is a place
for linking
with actions.

Massilia offers an atelier to host around 30 young international designers, a space for professionals to come together, to work and reflect collectively, and to contribute to an atmosphere where one plus one equals three. 

By and for


Massilia will be facilitating talks and workshops with French and international designers, critics and decision makers, suggesting relevant and pressing topics for discussion within the design field, such as how to incorporate a ‘design for action’ method in a project, how to constructively share sustainable and social awareness with clients and how to grow visibility and a network as an independent designer today.    

in Marseille. 

Set in the dynamic and ever-evolving city of Marseille, the design workspace itself takes part of a culture in transformation. Although home to craftsmanship and traditional skills, design thinking is yet to be explored and integrated in the second largest city of France.

Therefore, this urban context provides an ideal destination for young designers, yearning to develop their practice and themselves in an undefined, open and multifaceted framework.

as a


The Massilia design workspace is facilitated by designers and mobilised with the intention of supporting young designers in their vision of a sustainable, collective and action-based future realm of design.

At Massilia, we believe in ‘design as a service’; we place design at the service of the user, at the service of the industry and at the service of production. We support and teach design thinking as a means to improve and to shape a world in balance.